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by on July 16, 2024
Contest 5 Contest 5 by ShowbizPlus, is a user-friendly ultimate mix of Online Contest & Competition Management Solution, Awards Management Solution, Public/Private Voting Progress System, Nomination & Audition, Giveaways/Sweepstakes System, for creating, launching and Managing all kinds of contests, awards, auditions, etc, processes in the following options: text/writing contest, photo/image contest, audio/music contest and video contest, from launch, entry submission, public voting, revi...
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by on May 11, 2021
This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ, This is To Prove My IQ
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by on April 3, 2021
ShowbizPlus: ShowbizPlus is a web-based Technology; primarily for the Creative Industry, to inspire talents, creators, innovators to create, develop, discover, nurture, collaborate, share and expose their creative / innovative / tech ideas. It will enable the development, deployment and management of creative/innovative content and facilitate exchanges between interdependent groups, of content creators, producers, consumers and patrons.  It is designed with complete social networking funct...
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