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by on July 16, 2024
Contest 5 Contest 5 by ShowbizPlus, is a user-friendly ultimate mix of Online Contest & Competition Management Solution, Awards Management Solution, Public/Private Voting Progress System, Nomination & Audition, Giveaways/Sweepstakes System, for creating, launching and Managing all kinds of contests, awards, auditions, etc, processes in the following options: text/writing contest, photo/image contest, audio/music contest and video contest, from launch, entry submission, public voting, revi...
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by on April 3, 2021
ShowbizPlus: ShowbizPlus is a web-based Technology; primarily for the Creative Industry, to inspire talents, creators, innovators to create, develop, discover, nurture, collaborate, share and expose their creative / innovative / tech ideas. It will enable the development, deployment and management of creative/innovative content and facilitate exchanges between interdependent groups, of content creators, producers, consumers and patrons.  It is designed with complete social networking funct...
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