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How To Enter Contest - Submit An Entry.
Use Facebook, Google or Email, to Sign-In to www.showbizplus.com. ;

Assuming you have Signed-In to showbizplus.com. Click Contest on the menu, scroll down to select/click on the contest you are interested in. Or 
Assuming you have Signed-In to showbizplus.com/contest, scroll down to select/click on the contest you are interested in. 


Actions You Can Take
Invite friends on-site or by email to join the contest. 
Follow Contest.
Favorite Contest. 
Join Contest. 
Promote Contest. 

Join: To submit an entry, you must join the contest first. Click Join on the left side-block to agree to Terms and Conditions and Join Contest. 
Submit An Entry: 
Submit An Entry: Click Submit An Entry on the left side block to open the entry page.
-  You can submit 1 or more entries, as permitted by the contest owner. See number of entries you can submit on top contest detail/entry page. 
-  The contest type will determine your entry type/format. 
Contest Types: 4 - (Blog/Text, Photo, Video and Music/Audio).
 -> Blog/Text: Is for blog, essay, poem, poetry, writing, creative writing contest etc,. 
 -> Photo: Is for photo, photography, image, art, creative and graphic design contest, etc. 
 -> Video: Is for all kind of video captured contest, etc. 
-> Music/Audio: Is for music, audio, speech, spoken words and podcast contest, etc. 

Create Here: 
Click “create here” to add a new entry or select from the existing content on the entry page. 


Done Creating A New Entry Content:
-  If you are Done creating a new entry using “create here”, it may take you to the content corresponding app. 


Back To Submit Entry Page:
-  Go back to submit entry page, your newly created entry is on top of the existing contents. 

-  Select your entry content, enter the entry title, description, preview it and submit. 


Pay or Free To Submit An Entry:
-  Pay to Submit An Entry or Submit it for free, depending on the mode and fee set by contest owner.
-  Make payment using one of the listed payment gateways. 
-  Your entry can be automatically Approved or Pending Approval by the contest owner. 
Post/Share Contest To Other Social Media Platforms:
To help Contest Owner share their contest, go to the contest detail page copy the URL link of that page and post/share it on yours and friends other social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, X (twitter) etc.
Promote Entry / Share Entry To Other Social Media Platforms:
To Promote your Entry, copy the Promote Entry link below your Entry, post it on external sites, including all your social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn, X (twitter) etc

Votes Progress:
*  Contest owner can switch Votes Pregress for their contest. If it is Switch to Private Votes Progress, you won't be able to view the Votes Progress, until it is Switch to Public Votes Progress. 
  • February 17, 2024
  • 0 Comment(s)
Category: About Contest 5
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