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Contest 5

Contest 5 by ShowbizPlus, is a user-friendly ultimate mix of Online Contest & Competition Management Solution, Awards Management Solution, Public/Private Voting Progress System, Nomination & Audition, Giveaways/Sweepstakes System, for creating, launching and Managing all kinds of contests, awards, auditions, etc, processes in the following options: text/writing contest, photo/image contest, audio/music contest and video contest, from launch, entry submission, public voting, review/scoring, contest updates, to winners announcement (start-to-finish). 

It has the capabilities to accept and review entries with ease in text, photo, music and video formats; options for free or paid entry, free or paid voting, no voting (if you want to decide winners with just judges); share and promote contest and entry to other social media platforms. Its features includes and not limited to the followings for users’ interactive engagement; like, reaction, comment, attach photo, post sticker, insert emoji on comment, invite friends to contest, join, follow and favourite contest. 

With the power of ShowbizPlus users can create user profile, live chat, use the social features and have access to post or share creative contents on status feed, photo, music, video, blog, forum apps. ShowbizPlus is mobile responsive, it can be accessed from web/mobile browsers. It adjusts to mobile device’ screen sizes seamlessly.

Just think the idea, Contest 5 will handle it!

Contest 5 - ”….anywhere you are is your stage”.


Harness Your Audience With Contest 5 Solution.

To give your business a competitive edge

Crowd sourcing is the way of the future. In the world of online media, you can set yourself apart from your competition, with user-generated content. More than 80% are engaged with authentic digital content generated online and using the thrill and excitement of competition is engaging your audience to share ideas and inspire others and in the process, propel your brand towards exceptional engagement, while your business gets the exposure it deserves to shoot your brand to success.

With our Contest Management Solution, creating high-quality, engaging content that can be shared to your website and other social media sites is simple and stress-free. Our online competition solution has everything you need to attract and convert customers in droves.

Whether your goal is to engage your customers, drive more revenue or streamline the process of training, education, human resources, no matter what you have in mind for your next campaign, whether you’re a large enterprise or a small family business, Contest 5 is the right solution. Our vision for you is to scout, discover, nurture talents and grow a range of creative business areas including sales, marketing, human resources, education and operations, seamlessly leveraging Contest 5. It comes with comprehensive statistic details of your audience activities. These crucial intuition will inspire your future campaigns and ensure you get value for your marketing budget. We make the process easier to help you achieve it.



Though talent are scattered everywhere, finding them in an ever increasingly competitive market is hard. It is not only that they are hard to find most times, but you hardly can be everywhere to spot talent or hardly can spot them by just meeting them.
By leveraging the power of  Contest 5 Solution, you are not only able to scout for potential talents all around and far away, but also you are able to manage the process of spotting and selecting rare talents.

You can seamlessly create various kind of competition through the following contest types; Video - Music/Audio - Photo/Graphic - Text/Blog, the contestants are able to submit their digital content during entry, depending on the contest type, (Video - Music/Audio - Photo/Graphic - Text/Blog Contest) they are voted / accessed base on their submitted digital content.


To Lunch Your Contest In A Minute:

Contest 5: the Contest Management Solution allows you to create, personalize and manage contests and awards processes in minutes. Simply choose contest name, category, your contest type, (Video - Music/Audio - Photo/Graphic - Text/Blog Contest) configure your own branded imagery/banner with details of contest, about contest, the rules as well as the award (to attract people to the contest) and publish the contest or save to draft for review or till you are ready to publish.

You can make your contests attractive to increase traffic to the contest after publishing, with Feature, Premium, Ending Soon tools and Promote Contest (a Code generated to embed the contest to other html supported websites).

You can create your contest in your own way. Set entry and voting periods, choose who can join, enter or access the contest, impose voting restrictions and internal judging guide and much more. You have complete control over all the details; we just help with the execution.


Voting System and Engagement:

Promote contest/entries, vote for entries and engage audience participation for the contestants’ generated content. Viewing, liking, commenting, voting and sharing contest and entries. Contest Solution allows contest owners to credibly capture authenticated votes, comments, likes, reactions and share from audience, providing protection from fraud.



Panel of Judges can access, capture, moderate, the digital entries using detailed assessment criteria to assess and score entries and provide feedback to entrants when necessary. 



For quality and overall fairness, judges method is an option. You select a group of experts, setting a timely period for them to securely use rating, ranking or assessment criteria to score entries and decide the winner's', while monitoring the process.


Mixed-Method Approach:

You can choose a combination of voting system and judges method to determine the winner.




Analyse the success of your contest by measuring contest engagement through likes, views, shares, votes and entries statistics. After your contest.


Users Access & Information:

User registration process is by Email Address or sign in with Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Users can socially invite others from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Email domain and other systems.

Apart from registered information, custom fields will allow users to enter more information.

It Support Security/Privacy settings, IP Whitelisting, User email validation, Email domain and IP blocking, Social sharing.



Leverage the power of Contest 5 Solution and other social media to make your contest campaigns a viral success.

Online competition creates contents and engagements.

In today’s online digital world, content is the most powerful tool, the ultimate way to draw attention to your business for all the right reasons. Merging compelling content with thrilling contests will help you get the most from your marketing. Sharing your online competition to your brand’s social media pages is an integral part of any campaign. Whether it’s Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, Facebook or other social platform, we have you covered. We made it easier to harness the power of major/popular social platforms and other sites to get your contest out there. We’ve done all the hard work, making the process easier – the rest is up to your imagination.



Contest Key Features:

  • Contest Type: Text/Blog – Music/Audio – Photo/Graphic – Video
  • An icon to identify each contest type
  • Code to embed a specific contest to other html supported websites
  • Automatically email notifications to contest owners and participants.
  • Full mobile responsive
  • Access to mobile phone camera,
  • Support multiple images
  • Support Hashtag
  • Entry payment gateway
  • Voting payment gateway
  • Support CDN


Contest Home Page:

  • Featured Contests are displayed in slideshow mode
  • Premier Contests and display in contest page
  • Ending Soon Contests activate and display in contest page
  • Statistics: show participants / Contest Type / Category / Contest Activities as Entries, Likes, Views.


Creating A New Contest:

  • Create Contest
  • Contest Name: give the contest a name
  • Choose A Contest Type: Tex/Blog – Music/Audio – Photo/Graphic – Video
  • Classify Contests by Categories / Sub-category
  • Short Description: give a brief introduction about the contest.
  • Main Description: give information about the contest.
  • Support hashtag
  • Option to automatically approve entry. 
  • Payment gateway for entry/vote. 
  • Settings option to submit one or more entries. 
  • Settings for entry options (pay to submit an entry or free to submit an entry). 
  • Settings for voting options (pay to vote for an entry or free to vote for an entry)
  • Settings option for single or multiple votes per a user.
  • Award: Give information about award/prizes (Single or multiple winner's')
  • Terms and Conditions: Define terms and conditions of a contest
  • Personalize Your Contest: Upload a photo or graphic impression of contest details as contest photo
  • Attach additional photos, graphics, jpeg, pdf, png, gif
  • Define Contest Duration: start-to-finish the contest
  • Define Submit Entries Duration/Period: start and end entry period 
  • Define Voting Duration/Period: start and end voting period
  • Option to allow audience to vote for entry without joining contests
  • Define Maximum entries by a participant per a contest.
  • Define Maximum votes by a participant per an entry.
  • Define Number of winning entries: to be rewarded. (How many winners)
  • Privacy: set who can see and leave review on contest or create a closed custom group to view or participate in a specific contest.
  • Send personal email invitation to friends on/off site to join the contest 
  • Send personal emails and messages to update contest owners and participants


Audience Can:

  • View contest description, Award, Announcement
  • Promote contest with Code to embed contest to other html supported websites
  • Invite friends, follow contest, favorite contest, join / leave contest
  • Send personal email invitation to friends on/off site to join the contest
  • Submit entry. In (blog , video, music, photo)
  • Promote entry with Code to share or post entry to other social media sites
  • View Contest statistics: Participants, Entries, Likes, Views.
  • Vote entry
  • Vote for entry after joining contests “if set by contest owner”
  • Vote for entry without joining contests “if set by contest owner”
  • View entries and votes
  • Most voted / most viewed entries
  • Suggestion and Recommendation of Contest
  • View contests in Member Profile
  • Can Like, React, Comment, Share, Save, Report and Suggest Contest
  • Can Attach a Photo, Post a Sticker, Insert an Emoji when commenting on contest and entry
  • Tag Friends, Insert Feelings
  • Upload content from mobile phone gallery and computer folders
  • Support Hashtag



  • February 22, 2024
  • 0 Comment(s)
Category: About Contest 5
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