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How To Create A Contest - SetUp A Contest. 
Use Facebook, Google or Email, to Sign-In to www.showbizplus.com. ;

-  Assuming you have Signed-In to showbizplus.com Click Contest on the menu, click Create A New Contest and you are ready to Start A Contest.
-  Assuming you have Signed-In to showbizplus.com/contest, click on Create A New Contest and you are ready to Start A Contest. 


Select the category, sub-category that best describe your contest. 
Contest Name:
Enter the name of your Contest. 
Contest Type: 4 - (Blog/Text, Photo, Video and Music/Audio).
Select the contest type you want to create.

 -> Blog/Text: Is for blog, essay, poem, poetry, writing, creative writing contest.
 -> Photo: Is for photo, photography, image, art, creative and graphic design contest.
 -> Video: Is for all kind of video captured contest.
-> Music/Audio: Is for music, audio, speech, spoken words and podcast contest.

Main Description:
Describe everything about your contest in details. Including the idea/story behind your contest, aims and objectives, the type of talent you are looking or searching for. Everything you want the participants “contestants and voters” to know about the contest. Communication all messages related to the contest. You can even add or attach more photos images, posters, banners, flyers etc, file types and size are listed. 
Short Description: 
Give a short description of your contest. 
Awards/Prizes Details: 
What are the Prizes for Winners? List them here. 
Terms and Conditions: 
Every contest must have rules and regulations / guidelines.

It could be an image carrying information about your contest (Flyer) file types and size are listed. 
Contest Video: 
Add a one-minute video details about your contest. Supported files types are listed or enter a Video link. 
Contest Duration:
Start date/time must be earlier than Submit Entries Duration start date/time. End date/time must be later than Voting Duration end date/time.

Submit Entries Duration:
Start date/time must not be earlier than Contest Duration start date/time. End date/time must not be later than Voting Duration end date/time.

Voting Duration:
Start date/time must not be earlier than Submit Entries Duration start date/time. End date/time must not be later than Contest Duration end tdate/ime. 

Maximum Entries a Participant can Submit:
Enter the number of entries a single user can submit or enter “0” for unlimited entries. 
Fee for Submitting An Entry:
Enter an amount for users to pay to Submit An Entry or enter “0” for free Entry.
Set entries automatically approved:
Check the box to approve entries automatically or leave uncheck to manually approve entries later. With this, you can screen entries.
Types of Vote options.
Types of Vote: 4 Voting Options.
Pay to Vote for Entry, * Name Your Fee to Vote for Entry, * No Voting for Entry and * Free to Vote for Entry.
Select the option you want, depending if you want users to Vote, Pay to Vote, Enter their Fee to Vote, Free to Vote or Not to Vote. 
  • Select Pay to Vote for Entry: Means you want users to pay to vote for entry. ("Fee per Vote:” and “Number of Votes" fields will appear below). 

  • Select Name Your Fee to Vote for Entry: Means user can enter their own fee, higher than the listed fee to vote. ("Fee per Vote:” and “Number of Votes" fields will appear below).

  • Select No Voting for Entry: Means you do not want users to vote. 

  • Select Free to Vote for Entry: Means you want users to vote for free. Free to Vote for Entry, is the default option. 

Fee per Vote:
Enter a Fee for users to pay per a vote for "Pay to Vote An Entry” or minimum Fee for "Name Your Fee to Vote An Entry”
Entering 0 or Blank field is not allowed. You will get a warning in Red. (
Please provide a valid "Fee per Vote")
Number of Votes:
2 options: 1. Enter a number, or 2. Leave the field blank, for Pay to Vote for Entry or Name Your Fee to Vote for Entry or Free to Vote for Entry options.
  1. Enter (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -100 or more) number of Votes per a single user, per a contest. User can vote many votes at a time and 1 vote at a time. They can vote for more than one entry, depending on number of votes/times a single user can vote.

  2. Leave field Blank; User can vote 1 vote at a time and 1 vote per Entry. Can vote only once for an Entry and can vote for more than one entry. 

  3. Entering 0 is not allowed. You will get a warning in Red. (Number of Vote(s) is invalid)

Allow other members to vote for an entry without joining the contest:
Check the box will allow members to vote without joining the contest. Uncheck the box will not allow member to vote except they joint the contest. 
Make Votes Progress Private:
Public Votes Progress is default, off. Users can see the voting progress and who users are voting.
When switched on, is Private Votes Progress. Users cannot see the voting progress nor know who users are voting. Only you can see the voting progress in contest detail page, if on Private mode.
At the end of contest, you can switch to “Public” to reveal the voting progress. Read the Manage Your Contest acticle to understand how.
Number of Winner(s) From Entries:
(add the number here) Enter 1, 2, 3 or more winners. You may want First only or First and Second or First, Second and Third or more. 

Enter your location. Country – State – City – Address – Zip/Postal Code. (map) 
You can select from options who can see your contest or you can even customize specific users to see your contest. 
Save as Draft:
If you want to reverifyyour filled information, or not yet ready to publish contest, save it as draft. 
You can publish your contest for Free or for a Fee, depending on your class of membership. 
You have a chance to be redirected to reverify your filled information again before publish.
Confirm Information Before Publish:
Note! When the contest is published, you can NOT edit any information. You should choose Save As A Draft to make sure that all other information and settings in all
tabs are correct before publishing.
This will cancel your unpublished contest. 
Publish Contest:
During publishing make payment using one of the listed payment gateways.
Register Services: 
Optional. You can apply for register services, when publishing a contest or after publish. To apply register service after publish, read the Manage Your Contest acticle to understand how. Fee is associated. The checked service Fee will be added to Publish Fee for Total Fee.

  *  Ending Soon Contest: - Check this box will alert you when the contest is ending.
  *  Feature Contest: - Check this box will make your contest more visible on site.
  *  Premium Contest: - Check this box will make your contest a Premium Contest.

Make payments using one of the listed payment systems. 
For how to fund and use Activity Points, read the Activity Points acticle.
Incase your payment fails, read the Manage Your Contest acticle to understand how to re-initiate payments. 

  • February 17, 2024
  • 0 Comment(s)
Category: About Contest 5
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