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"Be Inspired To Innovate, Create, Connect, Explore and Profit".


Our Vision is to create economic opportunity through solving problems and actualize dreams.

We’ve always had passion for the development of the creative industry, in various ways. From the first day, our goal has remained the same: to provide the creative industry and related businesses a simple and effective way to leverage the power of tech solution.


Our Mission is to empower discovered latent and potential talents and seasoned innovators and creators, with the tools to maximize their talent and creativity. 

We are committed to talent development, exposure and advancement through our system's many tools to bring ideas to life, for positive social and economic impact. Which will ultimately create jobs and economic prosperity for the creative industry, businesses and the world at large.

  • February 22, 2024
  • 0 Comment(s)
Category: About ShowbizPlus
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